Access to Future Oriented Education for the Underprivileged – Covid19 webinar

To move forward, to win this, to make a real long lasting change in education we need to have a clear understanding what Future Oriented Education is truly about.
What is the purpose of Education?
What kind of skills and mindset do we need to equip our children with?
What kind of skills do teachers need to facilitate the change?
Is technology on its own enough to support future oriented learning?
Do we really understand what “learning” is, how learning happens and what conditions need to be met for children to learn, to thrive, to develop skills and mindsets?
Can we “fix it” with screen-based learning?
Natural Born Leaders have ben talking about future oriented solutions for global education long before covid.
We’ve applied and tested them years before the crisis. They have always worked, they will work now and in the future. The change we want so much is possible and easy to facilitate on a global scale.
At webinar by Bako Kontagora Development Foundation and UNESCO Natural Born Leaders shared how we impacted rural communities through our cutting edge teacher training so teachers can offer Future Oriented Active Holistic Learning at schools.
I shared how this model is scalable, cost effective, how to effectively use technology to reach the underprivileged in remote areas. I’m happy that so many found it inspiring!
My presentation starts at 14.40 minute and then again at 1.42:30. The first part is also followed by John Ssentamu who shares his experience with implementation of our training.
ZubairuAtta: “I believe this helps to answer the question how we can infuse technology, in the view of poverty level and underdevelopment of infrastructure, with elements of our communal and traditional media engagement”
Toyin Awofeso: “This was the way our education system was when I was a child. We jettisoned hands-on to fully-technology and now stranded as to the way forward. We should employ hands-on learning using resources from our environment and then add a bit of technology we can afford”
Manal Zeineddine Maan: “This is so profound. You are an amazing teacher brining everyone together. Magdalena and her husband are inspiring a great opportunity for teachers and children there”
Saadatu Adamu:“Magdalena, very impressive and motivating! I also believe in improvised material to make learning easy especially in rural areas” Thank you so much for your feedback!
ACTIVE LEARNING BOOSTER is our state-of-the-art training that we piloted in Uganda with great success and which I discussed in more detail in the webinar.
If you would like to work with us to implement ACTIVE LEARNING BOOSTER TEACHER TRAINING in your region/country please contact us on info (at)