Can Parents offer Future Oriented Education?

Yes! Parents can easily offer Future-Oriented Education.
Supporting your child’s learning at home is a gateway to it, whether Home Education is your life style choice or if you decide to focus on the time after school. Now, it seems we all have a chance to explore it further.
Future Oriented Education is about nurturing LIFE SKILLS – the current crisis shows us what we need and why and what our children will need in the future to succeed.
Creativity, collaboration, reasoning, bodily awareness, positive self-image, confidence, leadership, problem solving, relationship building, ability to adjust, adapt, co-create, reinvent.

They are all nurtured in children’s early years – not through books and worksheets but through real-life experiences, and through developing an authentic connection with the world around.
Home Education allows you to switch focus from academic learning to Hands-on Experiential Whole Person Learning – the most powerful learning approaches.
Home learning offers perfect environments for children to learn this way and to build skills for life.
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