How Home Education and World Schooling nurture children’s love of learning

Home Education/World Schooling are considered as an alternative form of education but it is also thought to be the ultimate form of education and as such it naturally appeals to the human mind.
Benefits of home schooling are hardly ever discussed openly or promoted widely. But our modern reality seems to call for home education more than ever. Freedom to explore the world, discover its wonders and stretch our minds is our natural birthright. It seems to be more suited to the opportunities of our times and the call of our hearts. When satisfied – this inner calling brings harmony, fulfilment and opens up the door to the whole new world.
How Learning is the Love of our Life
There is obviously more to learning than memorising facts about the world.
- Learning is observing the world, being able to notice the cause and effect, seeing how things are connected, how they interact with other things and beings.
- It is also about planning, modifying, adjusting, drawing conclusions, making our own judgments.
- Learning is also but perhaps most of all a journey of self-discovery.
- It is a process and as such it cannot be pushed forward forcefully.
- Learning is natural and it will take place anyway with or without the help from teachers, parents, adults…
Things are learned naturally by experiencing them. This is how it is, and it is the undeniable law of the nature.
Learning is as natural to us as our heartbeat, as our breath. We love it and we cannot survive without it.
But our bodies and our minds, they know how to learn and they will always find a way to learn what they feel they need the most, what they feel they love the most, what excites them the most. Learning is the love of our life!
What our kids need to learn

To learn the truth about the world, about yourself and to learn the things that are really useful for YOU, you need to experience the world in its most natural form. What does it mean? It means to be able to observe the world as it is happening to you, to be able to see the frog jumping in the pond, to have a chance to touch the rough skin of a lizard, to see how the honey is made, to be able to build relationships with the people we really want, to be able to say no when you mean “no”, to have a chance to see the windmill working, to climb rocks to see how they formed and how different they are, to notice that you like to walk on grass with bare feet, to understand what makes you upset and what makes you happy…
There is actually no end to it because the world is happening all the time and the world wants us to participate in this creation as part of it. But when our kids spend their days at schools – literally locked in a building with their faces in study books trying to put the things together to understand the world from them – they simply miss the world. They are absent and they cannot participate in this magnificent creation!
Anything you ever learn about the world is what you experience about the world.
How can our children become part of the world? What can you do to help them feel that they belong to the world and they can shape it? Home education is the most natural answer.
What our kids want to learn

At the beginning our children want to learn everything! Sooner or later they figure out what is the closest to their hearts, what brings them joy. As soon as they discover this they start to create, they play with the things they like the most only to achieve more, to follow their joy, to explore, to express themselves and by doing this they support the world because they give the world new ideas, new projects, new concepts, new solutions.
Children are perfect creators because they are still strongly connected to their inner guidance that urges them to explore freely whatever is that they are inspired with. Their mind is free to play with the world, with different contexts, with different resources and only such minds are ready and have enough courage to demonstrate their real potential, their genius to the world. As they are aware of their potential, they are ready to deal with most naturally occurring stressful situations they come across and they are not affected by them.
At schools children get continuously exposed to stressful situations but because they are constantly compared with others they lose their confidence to be able to deal with such challenges. Their knowledge is tested and they start to believe that they are worthless if they fail a test or have worse grades. They are often not allowed to demonstrate their potential because they cannot explore the things they like. Obviously it is more beneficial to talk about the positives of home schooling rather than point out the failures of the conventional schooling system, however at times such contrasts may help you understand the wonders of home education better.

Relationships, social skills and home education
In real life we have this freedom to decide who we want to build relationships with. Naturally we become more attracted to some people because what they say is interesting, how they live is inspiring or just the energy they send out seems attractive. We can always decide if we want to stay in a particular relationship, withdraw from it for various reasons or simply keep it neutral. Every single day we naturally meet people, get together with them, we talk to them, we spend our time with them. Others we simply pass by in the street. We meet people of different ages, different personalities, different races, different occupations, different social status… We live with them; they live around us because we are all part of the same world, part of a wonderful collage of similarities and differences.
Each of us is unique and this way the world is more beautiful, more interesting. Each person can add their unique element to the world. It’s easier to build positive relationships when you feel equal, when you feel worthy, special and unique. When you feel like being partners with others. You self-confidence guides you and you experience no fear of being rejected. With your open heart you welcome everything that comes.

However, building relationships in a traditional schooling environment is too often taken for granted. This is because on the surface it may seem that children will have plenty opportunities to play with others simply because by definition there are already many children there. And the assumption is that the relationships will build themselves. However, this environment is actually artificial as most classmates are usually of the same age. This never happens is a real life though. The competition and pressure put on school children in order to achieve certain academic results within particular timeframes make it even more difficult to build meaningful relationships, maintain and explore them in a real life context.
Home schooled children, on the other hand, are free from competition, peer pressure and social beliefs. This makes them feel more secure and helps them decide what kind of relationships they are really looking for. It is easier for them to say “no” and to say “yes” whenever they mean it. It is much easier to build meaningful relationships based on a deep joyful need of your heart. And such relationships are honest because there is no more need to look for friends only to be accepted, to feel worthy, to feel better or not to feel lonely. It is easier to understand what we really want from others and what we have to offer. It is easier to socialise because you do it naturally and there are plenty opportunities to meet people everywhere!
Choosing home education or world schooling for your children opens up the door to conscious self-directed learning, self-discovery, choice and independence. When offered in an unstructured way it provides myriads of natural opportunities for hands-on and child-led learning which is the most effective and the fastest way to learn – not to mention that it is the way children naturally learn. If you are considering this option or have already tried and are looking for further support, we are here to help you start your journey.
You can learn how to easily support your child’s balanced learning and development by offering Active Experiential Learning experiences on a daily basis with little effort on your side. To help you we designed the Experiential Learning at Home – a FREE and easy-to-digest parent support training packed with ready-to-apply tools and solutions.