Are you considering yourself a Visionary, an Agent of Change, a Thought Leader, an Educator of the Future?
Do you believe that EVERY child has inner gifts and natural talents that can make a real change in the world as we know it?
Do you believe that EVERY child can potentially affect generations to come with their unique talents, skills, ideas and personalities?
If your answer is yes, no matter whether you are a professional educator or a parent, and your ambition is to offer the World Class education that nurtures Children’s natural Leadership Mindset, become the Agent of Change, the Educator of the Future, who helps redefine the way we understand and offer education and learning, then you are in the right place. In fact, your vision and dream must have taken you here and might be the very reason you are reading this.

We are entering a massive Paradigm Shift in education. And this Paradigm calls for new approaches, deeper insights and clear understanding of what children need to unlock their fullest potential and to learn through their strengths.
Who is shifting the World? The answer has always been and will always be the same – it’s our children. They are only 20% of the current population, but they will be 100% of our future.
And how will they shape the world? It’s very easy to predict…

They will do what they’ve been taught by us – their parents, their teachers, the media, the society. They will use the same percentage of their potential that we are allowing them to use right now. They will be as confident as we encourage them to be today, they will be as kind, loving, considerate and respectful as we are to them today. Our children will share their creativity and their Natural Genius to the extent they are using it today and how much we are ready to appreciate it now.
If we want our children to live in a happy, safe and loving world where they can confidently share their natural gifts and talents with others, we need to take full responsibility right now and role model the attitudes and values that we want our children to pass on to future generations.
And it all starts in early childhood where confidence, leadership mindset and all life-long skills are shaped.

The New Paradigm Shift in Education calls for celebration of child’s uniqueness. It calls for new approaches that promote positive self- image and conscious self-knowing. And when these are in place, all other skills, including academic skills, can be easily developed.
Personalised and Self-Directed Learning, Positive Pedagogy, Experiential Education and Full Potential-Oriented Education are the approaches that will greatly facilitate this New Paradigm Shift. Our mission is to help ambitious educators and parents bring these approaches to the world on a massive scale so that more and more children have a chance to connect with their natural gifts and later on share these gifts with the world. Our mission is to set completely new standards in education, learning, parenting and care. And we need your help to promote and introduce these approaches on a wider scale.

This is why the role of early years teachers, educators, parents and thought leaders are so important right now – these are the people who assist our children in achieving their full potential.
The good news is that these approaches can be easily introduced in early years settings, early primary and in home education around the globe today – by modelling and promoting best practices, and running effective teacher and parent training programmes.
If this all resonates with you and you agree that this is the only and the right action to take then it means you belong to the 2 % of the Educators of the World that can make a real change.
How can you start?
Depending on your role (parent/educator) and ambition you can do many things right away:
- use free resources and trainings we offer as part of our mission
- share our resources with other parents and educators
- enroll in our online programmes to make a change in your setting/area
- start your own business using our dedicated signature products
- explore range of our premium products
- invite us to your setting/organisation to train your teachers/staff
- organise events together where we promote Future Oriented Education
- co-create with us by merging yours and our expertise, experience and skills
- sponsor events/conferences where we speak as experts to bring your brand to the centre of attention
- have your idea/product tested and curated by us
To help you learn how to apply Active Experiential Learning in your setting, Natural Born Leaders has launched a new teacher support programme ACTIVE LEARNING BOOSTER.
It’s a self-paced hands-on online training programme for Early Years and Primary Teachers who are ready to offer Future-Oriented Education based on Active Experiential Holistic Learning and Development.
You can access the first training module for FREE and then continue your journey from as low as $11.99.
Parent Support Campaign for schools and pre-schools to help build positive relationships with parents and assist in supporting Experiential Learning at home.
You can learn how to easily support your child’s balanced learning and development by offering Active Experiential Learning experiences on a daily basis with little effort on your side. To help you we designed the Experiential Learning at Home – a FREE and easy-to-digest parent support training packed with ready-to-apply tools and solutions.