Why offering Active Learning is the key skillset for teachers in the post Covid era

Post Covid is about readiness to offer education differently.
The new normal cannot be the old normal just in a slightly nicer packaging.
Bringing technology to education and following the same old routines cannot fix the problems resulting from decades of outdated educational models. This cannot be fixed in 3 months of lockdown… But 3 months is quite enough to realise something, to observe, reflect, make decisions, create strategies that will fuel a long term change. We need New Holistic Normal.
Education needs to help students:
-discover their talents and solve real life problems
-interact with the real AND in the real world
-be Core Life Skills Oriented

Education is navigating towards supporting Core Life Skills and educators need help to learn how to do it effectively on a daily basis. Active Holistic Learning is soon going to be the New Normal in education.
The change that we’ve all been waiting for can happen once teachers develop essential skills to offer Active Experiential Holistic Learning. Currently a small percentage of teachers on a global scale is confident to facilitate this kind of learning on a daily basis without feeling overwhelmed. We desperately need teachers to be able to and especially when it’s not difficult at all! The world depends on it!
This requires robust teacher training to make sure educators are capable of preparing children for the future.
This is why we’ve come up with essential online hands-on DIY teacher training – ACTIVE LEARNING BOOSTER – to help every teacher get ready to offer Active Holistic Learning before they get back to school again.
It’s a powerful program for early years and early primary teachers with ready to implement strategies, case studies, examples of best practice.
The training is all curriculum friendly and is effective regardless of location/resources available. After completion, the teacher will receive a certificate covering all the aspects of the training.
To offer every teacher a head start we are giving access to FREE training materials. We invite you to take advantage of this powerful training. FREE access to ACTIVE LEARNING BOOSTER: